About Me

My name is Reba Benton and I live on a ranch with my husband Trey and our baby boys Quade and Quincy. My husband rodeos for a living riding bulls. I have team roped most of my life and still do. Since we've been married, I have turned my husband into quite the roper also. He had no choice but to get out there in the arena with me. The Lord sent us the sweetest and purest love we have ever experienced on October 10, 2020. Our baby boy took the focus off of what was going on during a year of turmoil and has changed our life for the better. So we decided to have another child two years later December 12, 2022 we had Quincy the sweetest little angel. I always say if you question God's existence or love. When you see your child for the first time you will never be able to question it again. A love like no other.

I have a Bachelor's degree from Sam Houston State in Fashion Merchandising, but my passion has always been photography. Even when I only had just the old crank up cameras back in the day, I would take photos off everything I could. All because I wanted to remember the memories and people that turned me into the woman I am today. Tomorrow isn't promised and photographs are a way to remember the loves ones we no longer have. As a mom I feel like my children grow every day. It's important to take as many photos as you can because they grow up too fast. Thats why I have a special love for being a photographer. I know how important and special each shoot is and I take it very seriously. This career has brought so much light in my life and has opened so many doors that I didn't even know were there. Each client I have had the pleasure of working with has become a friend to me because I work with them as a team to make sure we are on the same page.

John 16:33

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have trials and tribulations. But take heart; I have overcome the world.